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TikTok marketing agency's five tips to grow your account

How to start and grow your TikTok-account succesfully.

TikTok-markkinointitoimiston viisi vinkkiä tilin kasvattamiseen
TikTok marketing agency's five tips to grow your account

If your company is currently active on TikTok, you are ahead of the curve. By taking advantage of that position, your company will be able to scale business in a completely new way.

We have grown the two biggest TikTok business accounts in Finland and here are our tips.

Tip #1 - Grab the viewer's attention right away!

Your TikTok video has 3 seconds to make an impact on the viewer or the viewer will skip to the next video. Yes, 3 seconds. How do you do this?

Try to attract attention with really visual editing or a question/statement that evokes emotions in the viewer.

Tip #2 - Lighting

TikTok's algorithm recognizes if the video has bad lighting. For this reason, it is really important that you have taken care of neat lighting that suits your target group. In poor lighting, TikTok's algorithm will not recommend your video to new viewers. Noted film director David Lynch stated, "Lighting creates visual mood, setting, and purpose for the audience."

"Lightning creates a visual mood, atmosphere, and sense of meaning for the audience" – David Lynch

Tip #3 - Trending Voices

By using trending sounds, you stay ahead of the trend wave. When you notice that a new trending sound is coming, use it immediately. Break down the trend's core "message" on paper and adapt it to fit your brand. Videos don't always have to have a message meaning, you can use hidden advertising of products in dance videos, for example.

Tip #4 - Length

Depending on your content, TikTok's algorithm currently recommends a maximum video length of 21-34 seconds. However, the rules are made to be broken. The most important thing is that you can keep the viewer engaged with your video for as long as possible.

Tip #5 - Clear CTA at the end

The CTA or Call To Action varies depending on the size of your TikTok channel. If your channel is still small, it makes the most sense to direct viewers to follow your account and create your own community around your company through this. When your account has grown to at least 5,000 followers, then it's a good time to start slowly moving users to other platforms of their choice or to implement something other than account monitoring. That number of followers has created a strong community for you, which allows you to get them to watch your video to the end, which is the most influential in TikTok's algorithm.

Start effective marketing on TikTok!

Have you already started Tiktok or are you planning to start? We are a new generation TikTok marketing agency that produces unique content. Contact us when you want to scale your activities on TikTok.

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